Thursday, September 22, 2011

Literature Analysis

 Emma ~ Jane Austen
1. The novel Emma, is set in the early 19th century, amongst England. The novel is centered around a privileged young woman named Emma Woodhouse, her dearest friends, and those she comes into counter with. Though she vows never to marry, she takes pleasure in trying to match her friends and acquaintances up with who she believes to be a perfect match. While going through her charade of match making, she finds her good intentions to back fire and ultimately hurt her good friend, Harriet. Throughout the novel, it is seen those who find marriage to be something less than important, those who find marriage sacred, a way of tradition, and a fortunate way to build up your social status. In the end as predicted, everyone ends up happily in love with the one they were ultimately, "meant to be" with. Emma breaks her vow of never marrying, and finds herself in a fortunate marriage, with the foundation of love.
2. The theme of Emma would have to be marriage and social status issues. Throughout the whole novel it is made known of those who are married, engaged, or the blossoming of engagement. Marriage was absolutely a big deal in society at this time. The men who had land and a good income were in look and want of a wife, and it wasn't only a man in want but also a woman. Woman didn't have much say in the matter of land and building up a home, and they looked to marriage as a sense of security. Most abused this notion, only looking to this as a way to build up their status in society.  Those who were privileged married privileged people. Emma was a prime example of resiting this notion of tradition.
3. Jane Austen's tone throughout the novel was satirical and also sympathetic. Austen made it known how things ran for a woman in society. On the satirical side came to be known while Emma was match making and trying to set up people for marriage. It did not matter if they were really in love, marriage was seen as something different in this era. And that's also where the sympathetic tone came about, for some people, it wasn't about love, but merely looking to get that security and follow tradition.
  •  " A woman is not to marry a man merely because she is asked, or because he is attached to her, and can write a tolerable letter." (7.31)
  • "It is always incomprehensible to a man that a woman should ever refuse an offer of marriage. A man always imagines a woman to be ready for any body who asks her." (8.34)
  • "It is fit that the fortune should be on his side, for I think the merit will be all on hers." (48.13)
4. The literary devices that helped me to understand the themes would be foreshadowing. It was hinted of certain events within conversations to happens, and ultimately the did end up coming true. Also, her tone, diction, and syntax had proved and brought forth her intention in the themes.
  • "It was foolish, it was wrong, to take so active a part in bringing any two people together. It was adventuring too far, assuming too much, making light of what ought to be serious, a trick of what ought to be simple." (16.10)
  • "Emma's very good opinion of Frank Churchill was a little shaken the following day, by hearing that he was gone off to London, merely to have his hair cut." (25.1)
  • "Can you trust me with such flatterers?—Does my vain spirit ever tell me I am wrong?" (38.47)


  1. Questions:
    How did Emma hurt her dear friend, Harriet?
    Would you consider Emma to be a good “Cupid” or just a “lucky guesser” when it comes to the relationships she set up?
    Do you believe in love at first sight or would the love be stronger after a long period of time of being together?
    This sort of reminds me of the old man from the playboy mansion. The young girls marry him for his money. =)
    I’m curious as to if people of aristocracy still look at marriage the same way they did in the past era. What you think?
    You should watch the movie “The Prince and Me.” It’s about a rich prince who loves a girl in the lower class; she basically isn’t welcomed by the high ranked people and struggles a lot.
    lupita perez

  2. Do you think this book was more interesting than Pride & Prejudice? Was it similar?

  3. I think its really funny that you said that, @Candiace, I was thinking about the Bennet's as i read this summary? And I had basically the same question. Was it similar? Did it seem to have the same literary components to it?

  4. What is your opinion on marrying just for money and not having the true feeling of love?

  5. Hey! Okay, so do you think that Emma was crossing the line by matching the people up and should have left it up to them to do that their selves or was she right in what she was doing? And do you believe she was being hypocritical by refusing to marry but pushing others together?
